Thematically I am interested in natural cycles and forces, the psyche, transitional states of matter and mind, and the raw aesthetic experience. I am passionate about world building, the creation of emotive constructs and the challenge of capturing sensory input by means of material artifice. My subjects are rarely people; yet at the center of the work is always human perception and potential, and our natural relationship to the greater cosmos.
In my work, I ultimately look to surrender to a deeper purpose: the creation of transcendental and unique manifestations that honor the true emergence at the heart of all artistic creation. The metaphorical blank canvas becomes the stage in which a conflict of artistic philosophies (in part acquired and in part intrinsic) can play out, continuously redefining one another. It is that cyclical conflict and search for balance that fuels each new work I create.

Alberto J. Almarza is a Chilean artist and teacher based in Pittsburgh, PA. Although Almarza has formal training in design, drawing, painting, and photography, his focus for the past several years incorporates experimental and invented media, mixed-media assemblage and other creative methods.
Almarza regards art as a form of inner science, meticulously negotiating elusive boundaries between what is consensual and what is potential. Almarza has shown his work in galleries nationally and abroad, and directed the Pittsburgh Visionary Arts Festival in August of 2009. He is a painting teacher at CAPA School for the Creative and Performing Arts in Pittsburgh, PA.